Travel Article 2

Part 1: Introduction

What is the goal of the introduction?                  

How do I start?

1 more way to begin…

Let’s Get Started

1. Name of the place you will be writing about (e.g. Minnesota)

2. 1st introduction: You know/ You don’t know

Minnesota, located in the United States along its northern border with Canada, is known for cold, bone chilling cold and -40ºF wind chills.  As a matter of fact, International Falls, Minnesota is called The Nation’s Icebox!  Did you know, though, that Minnesota is also the land of 10,000 lakes for fishing, swimming and water skiing? (And water skiing was actually invented in Minnesota!)  Here are some beautiful summer places to explore Minnesota.

3. 2nd introduction: In the middle of it all

As I ride my bike around Lake Harriet in the heart of Minneapolis I hear the sounds of Jazz coming from the bandshell and the ropes clanging against the sailboat masts.  A group of runners pass me going in the opposite direction making way for the older couple out for an evening stroll.  This is summer in Minneapolis and I have only begun to taste what summer in Minnesota has to offer.

How to Write a Travel Article

Part 1: Introduction

What is the goal of the introduction?                  

How do I start?

1 more way to begin…