Comfort Zone

Yesterday’s low temperature in Minneapolis, twenty eight degrees below zero (-28 °F), is outside my comfort zone.  I believe that most people would say the same.  At the same time, many people braved the frigid temps to get to work or help a neighbor while others lowered the thermostat in their house so that there will be enough natural gas for all.  Again, outside one’s comfort zone.

Today, a friend of mine continued the process of applying for his post secondary education as he set up an interview at an area college, rescheduled the interview because of the cold, and then attended the interview.  While I have been supporting him in the process, he is the one moving it all forward, stepping outside his comfort zone.

So, be brave.  Take a positive step outside your comfort zone. Try something new and see what happens.  Begin that dream journey with a single step, even if, especially if, it’s outside your comfort zone.

Remember though, dress warmly if it is -28 °F.